Carlo Scarpa was a Venetian architect whose designs are deeply sensitive to the changes of time, tides, seasons, materiality and history. His masterfully-detailed work has captured my imagination since I was a goofy first year architecture student.
Details and textures at the Olivetti Museum (top row) and Pinacoteca Querini Stampalia (bottom row)
More than all the Madonna col Bambinos in the world, we had to visit as many of Scarpa's works as we could. Thus we set off on a road trip from Venice to Verona.
Driving to Canova Museum & Cast Gallery (Row 1), and the Brion Cemetery (Rows 2 & 3)
Views, textures and details of the Castelvecchio
* To drive like an Italian, it seems that one just needs to be boldly and constantly moving forward. Any potential conflict may be diffused with a chirpy wave. One will often receive a friendly wave in return.